Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Rapturous Joy

Macayla and Jacob had a great birthday party. Hotdogs, cake, chips, beans, candy topped the health menu. There was some fruit which hit the spot on a hot day. Macayla stayed awake the whole time and even laughed some. Last year she slept through her birthday party.
Lately, Macayla has been laughing and smiling a lot. Yesterday she was so tickled for some unknown reason that she couldn't stop laughing. She started laughing so hard she couldn't breath and tears formed. Whatever it was that made her laugh, I'm glad she had it. Her laughter is contagious and when it starts, it gets everyone else laughing too. That rapturous joy is but a taste of what is to come for Macayla when she is with Christ. I often wonder what Macayla perceives. Medically speaking, one would think she perceives less than the rest of us, but there are times I get the feeling she perceives that which we cannot. I would love to see what she sees sometimes. I would love to know what gets her laughing uncontrollably. Some days, I make it my objective to make her laugh, but it doesn't always work. My antics probably generate thoughts in Macayla that would be left unknown! But I look forward to the day that she and I can share that rapturous joy in heaven. We will finally have the full clarity of our Lord's work in our lives and have full perception of joy and love. It will be the best party ever.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a wonderful family celebration!! We are praying for you as you go to Camp Hope this week that it will be an incredible time of memories for you all (and hopefully cooler weather). Love you all!!!
    Angie Ownbey
