Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Two Weeks Again

Macayla had two seizures last night which puts her exactly two weeks since her last ones. She seems to be on a two week cycle with these. But the good news is that the pulse/oximeter alerted us to them. The first one came while I was in the kitchen and I heard the alarm. She was at 47% oxygen when I got to her. The seizure lasted 1 1/2 minutes to 2 minutes. The second one started, but her oxygen and heart rate were fine. The oximeter did not alarm until about a minute into the seizure when her oxygen levels dropped. We got the seizures under control with diastat and she has slept all night. The good news is that the oximeter did alert us and that gives us peace of mind. It also helped while we suctioned her because we could see her oxygen levels jump as her airway was becoming clear. The two week cycle is what is most puzzling to me. 

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