Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

She May Be Done

As of last night, it appears Macayla's seizures stopped. We will see how she is later today. She is just beginning to wake up which is a good sign. Yesterday morning she was post-ictal and would not wake up. We are getting her Lamictal switched back to the brand name instead of the generic. We actually started that last night, so hopefully we can see some improvement.

She was in a good mood last night. She laughed some and fell asleep right after we gave meds, which is the norm. She had not been doing that on the generic. Granted, there are so many variables with this disease and the brain that we can never be positive if that was the cause, but the timing of these seizures fits with the medication change. So, we will see.

Thanks to the folks who have offered up many prayers and sent messages. We appreciate it beyond what words can convey.

1 comment:

  1. Jeff and Jennifer,
    Add me to the long list of souls that pray for you daily. Your website is at the top of my list. I am very blessed to know you and to witness the amazing work God is doing through all the members of your family. Thank you for showing minute by minute, day by day how Christians love, live, struggle, succeed, suffer, flourish, grieve, and rejoice, not as the world does these things, but as children who have faith and hope in their loving Creator God, Heavenly Father, Who is indeed Who He says He Is, keeps all His promises, and is the very definition and origin of Love, Comfort, Strength, and Peace. You have a platform unlike any other from which to proclaim His Glory. Thank you for your faithfulness and for proving to this world that He is sufficient. I know full well that He can say of you, "Well done." Your gold is surely shining and precious in the fire of this life. Thank you, thank you.
    Love always in Him,
    Janice Cockrell
