Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Weekly Seizures

Macayla has been having grand mal seizures weekly now for the last three weeks. Today she had one after lunch and is finally passed out from the Diastat. We think that if we give her Diastat immediately after the first seizure she will pass out and not have any more. The last time I waited to give it after the second seizure (which is what you're supposed to do) she kept having them every two hours. Now, we just hope she will wake up seizure free.

Interestingly, this seizure started slowly and in a different way than usual. It was good because it gave me enough warning to get a chux pad and the suction machine ready in case she threw up at the end as she typically does. Fortunately, she did not throw up but kept having bad reflux for a while afterward. It's just more of the changes we see in her at this time of the year.

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