Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Week of Parables

I just spent most of the week in Columbus, GA preaching and teaching at a church where a friend of ours is pastor. Jennifer and the kids did great overall with the exception of Jacob having a stomach virus. I just hate I missed that! (note the sarcasm.) But he was in our bed when it happened, so we have new pillows and a new mattress pad. It was profuse and Jennifer could not get them clean. I really hate I missed that! (again, note the sarcasm.)

Macayla did well, but she slept a lot. She had another increase of medicine over the last ten days and I think it is making her sleepy. Thankfully, her seizure activity has been reduced. I really missed the kids and Jennifer while I was gone and it was hard to leave. Macayla was having episodes of choking all day Friday and Saturday morning before I left. The episodes may have been seizure related. It was as if she were having myoclonic jerks in her throat that made her unable to handle a normal amount of saliva. We gave her an extra dose of Clonapin and turned her on her side and she did much better. She did well and I was grateful to scoop her up when I got home. Jennifer was able to relax when I got home by going to work today. We are all back in our element now and moving along.

I was able to spend several days teaching through the parables of Jesus recorded in Matthew. It is a challenging study for these are the teachings Jesus used to separate the disciples from the crowds. In fact, there are a few places where Jesus even used a bit of sarcasm to get his point across. (I guess I can relate to those kinds of passages!) The parables reveal our tendency to fall into religion instead of a relationship with Christ. They reveal our values or lack thereof. They also communicate God's endless grace and its power. They reveal God's present mercy and a future of promises fulfilled. They reveal that we come to God on His terms, not ours. He loves us as we are, but He loves us so much He won't leave us the way we are. They reveal God's plan for our transformation. It was a great study spent with great folks. I learned a lot from both the Scripture and my time with these well-seasoned Christians. Thanks to the Lord and Waldrop Memorial Baptist Church for the opportunity.

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