Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Friday, February 15, 2008


It is funny to watch these commercials on television for Valentines Day and the ideals of dating, romantic dinners, candles, intimacy, and ooy-gooy moments between men and women. Then there is reality. In our home, our Valentines consisted of combating Jacob’s 105.8 fever that resulted from the flu. We were cleaning up Macayla’s feeding tube site from cauterizing it the previous day with silver nitrate. We had bloody stomachs and yellow snot. Our romantic dinner (which was steak) was eaten quickly on a table half covered in paperwork and prescription medicines. Instead of candles, roses, and whispering sweet nothings, we had thermometers, Kleenex, and the honking of snot-filled nostrils. I have yet to see any marketing for Valentines that reflects this scenario. Companies like Kleenex, Therma Scan, and Motrin should explore marketing their products on higher concepts of love. Maybe it is in these scenarios that we begin to discover love more appropriately. It is easy to love in the ideal world of television fantasy where everyone is free of faults, flaws and trials. We live in a culture that claims true love is known only when it is a felt emotion. True love is known but not always a felt emotion. Emotions come and go, but knowledge remains. Maybe true love is discovered when we love in spite of its cost or benefit. Maybe true love is discovered in the faults, flaws and trials. I pray my knowledge of love grows this year because as I am typing there is a little nose that needs blowing, again. I honestly cannot claim that the emotion I have right now is ooy-gooy love. The only ooy-gooy I feel is in the tissue. So, I pray most of all that those around me know I love them with more than passing emotion.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, and Valentine's day toilet paper that reads, "Love Stinks". I think you're on to something.
