Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I heard this book was out, but did not get to check it out until this week. If there is one book you read this summer, this is it. David Platt was at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary when we went down there in 2005. We were able to hear him preach 3 or 4 times and I can still remember sitting in those sermons. I even have them referenced in my journal. David is gifted by God to share the Gospel. He is a prophet for the Church. Now understand that the true meaning of the word prophet and the gift of prophecy is not fortune telling. It is sharing God's truth by and through the power of God's Spirit. Sometimes prophecy has implications and predictions for the future, but its main purpose is to change things in the present.
David's work here is top notch and will challenge us as individuals and as a Church to experience a reality-check on where we are and to give us direction for the future. As David says, "The gospel does not prompt you to mere reflection; the gospel requires a response. In the process of hearing Jesus, you are compelled to take an honest look at your life, your family and your church and not just ask, "What is he saying?" but also, "What shall I do?"

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