Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

On Our Toes!

Macayla and Jacob have a cousin named Ella who is one year old and was just diagnosed with pneumonia last week. Unfortunately, the infection was not controlled by the antibiotics and she ended up with multiple pleural effusions (pockets of fluid/puss). She will have surgery tomorrow and we are praying for her and her mom and dad. We ask everyone who reads this to pray as well.
Macayla has been fighting nausea and vomiting for days now. We have been on the verge of taking her to the ER twice because she couldn't keep food or fluids down. But each time we were ready to opt for an IV and a bag of fluid, Macayla would get some water down and keep it down. So, we avoided the hospital. Another interesting change in all this is that after weeks of not sleeping much at night, Macayla has slept every night and even taken naps for a week now. We are really not able to keep up with her! Maybe we can blame it on the fact that she is female and will change her mind and methods quite often. The doctor had us reduce her cystagon dose by half because vomiting is a side effect of that medication. We did this yesterday and then gave her formula through her feeding tube slowly (5 oz. over a two hour period). This was an idea we got after talking to Macayla's grandfather who has experience with tube feeding. After that, Macayla was like a new child. She started playing and talking and that was a relief after two days of being weak and dehydrated. This morning she ate by mouth like a horse and hasn't stopped all day! We really have trouble keeping up with this girl. She doesn't sleep, she sleeps. She vomits, she doesn't vomit. She eats, she doesn't eat, she eats. She certainly keeps us on our toes!

1 comment:

  1. Jeff,
    I really enjoy reading about Macayla. You are a very talented writer and communicator, I can tell that God has great things in store for you as a pastor!!
    Lindsay Metcalf
