Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

You Want A Piece of Me?!

There are times when it feels like everyone wants a piece of you, but there is only so much of you to go around. The kids always need something. The spouse needs to discuss decisions that have to be made. The phone company wants their bill paid. The neighbors want you to finally cut your grass. Besides the logistics of a home and life, we have to invest so much relationally and emotionally in others. Sometimes it can seem overwhelming how much people want from you. I have found myself wanting to get away by myself for a few hours only to find I can't because my family needs something else. 

Jesus was having a rough time. He went to his hometown only to be rejected and dishonored. Meanwhile, his cousin and friend, John the Baptist, was executed by king Herod. Jesus hears of the death and retreats to a secluded place to be alone. He wasn't dealing with simple things like phone bills, lawn care or dirty diapers. He was rejected by the people he grew up with. He lost a family member and friend to a ghastly death. But while he was in this secluded place, the crowds of people found him. He had compassion on them and healed their sick. I would have run the other way, but he gave them what they needed. He even fed 5,000 of them miraculously. Then he sent his disciples out in a boat ahead of him while he said goodbye to the crowds. Then, finally, at the end of the day he gets his time alone to pray. But as soon as he is finished, he has to save his disciples in the boat from wind, waves and a lack of faith (Mt 14). 

I find myself becoming impatient at how much Jacob wants to talk to me. Five year olds have a lot to say. I want to tune him out at times, but Jesus never tunes me out when I want to talk to Him. I so often want to get away from home to be by myself, a home where I am loved and accepted. Jesus was rejected at his home. John the Baptist's imprisonment and subsequent execution directly resulted in John's belief in Jesus. How did Jesus feel about John's persecution on His account? How does He feel now when people are persecuted for Him even today? He said we would be blessed when persecuted for His sake, but it doesn't make the persecution easier. In the midst of grief, Jesus showed compassion when I would show selfishness. I'm not even being persecuted. I'm just dealing with life. That is a blessing I take for granted. I can only pray for his grace and love for they are obviously and infinitely sufficient in my weakness. 

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