Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not Fun

Macayla had a grand mal yesterday around 2 p.m. We were just coming back from the park where she responded and smiled a good bit when the geese would honk. She seemed fairly happy and not "seizurish" at all. But she zonked out afterward and slept until 4:30 a.m. this morning. She was very agitated and had another seizure at 6 a.m. We gave her diastat and she slept until about 10. She is still agitated and doesn't seem to be out of the seizures yet. She keeps going from cold to hot. She's not running a temp, but she gets goose bumps one minute and then flushed and hot the next. It has not been a fun day for her. I wish we could make her feel better.


  1. We will be praying for you tonight! Praying that tonight and tomorrow are better times.

  2. We'll pray for Miss Macayla's comfort and for you guys too! Love ya!
    Amy and Mark
