Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Little Cousins

Last weekend, we celebrated Jennifer's grandfather's eightieth birthday. Many family members gathered. We had the opportunity for Macayla to snuggle with her newest cousin, Sophia. We took a picture and I compared it to one we took a few years ago when Macayla was holding Sophia's sister. It's amazing the difference. Sophia also reminds us of how Macayla looked when she was an infant. So, this weekend Macayla was holding a mini-Mac! She did great sitting in the lap of Jennifer's cousin and aunt. Macayla stayed relaxed and didn't fall asleep until we got in the van to come home.
Unfortunately, this weekend is starting off with seizures. We've had two so far in spite of having Versed on board. So now she's about to get some Diastat. She's been having more and more seizure-ish days over the last two weeks but never had any full blown grand-mals. It's been a little over a month since her last ones. She had eleven that time. I hope she doesn't try to break any records this time.

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