Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Friday, October 02, 2009

I Touched the Pacific!

For the past two weeks, I have been in Los Angeles doing some work for some friends on their home. They graciously flew me out here and it was an opportunity to see them, my sister and cousin and see LA. Unfortunately, being out here means I missed seeing Jacob lose his first tooth. Jennifer sent me a picture of it on my phone. Macayla had one grand mal while I was gone and Jacob got the flu. Either I timed this trip really bad or really well!! Jennifer had a lot of help from the grandparents and our nurse while I've been gone.
This was my first time in California. LA has some amazing food and interesting people in it. Venice Beach is a sight! Imagine a carnival on steroids and drugs at the same time and you have some idea what it is like. I did get to put my foot in the Pacific ocean for the first time in my life, which may not sound like a big deal, but not many people have seen both the Atlantic and Pacific. It was really cold! My sister took me to the Getty Center, an art museum, and we saw some amazing pieces. She took me with her to a film set and it was stranger than fiction! I couldn't have made up the characters I met there.
I'm almost done with my trip to LA and I head home this weekend. I have had some interesting and even surreal experiences here. LA seems to have a ton of people living close together and at light speed with little regard for what is around them. It is very different from the laid back pace of the South. To be a Christian here is out of the norm. In spite of these differences, I have spent some wonderful time because of some good friends and family. I miss Jennifer and the kids massively and can't wait to see them.

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