Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Are They Gone?

Macayla ended up having six grand mals between noon Wednesday and Thursday evening. She was passed out most of the time between them. She woke up around 11 p.m. last night and has been awake since. She is happy and reactive. It appears she has come out of it. The only residual effects we see is that she has random twitching in her face and some rigidity in her arms characteristic of seizure activity. We have never seen the face twitching before. 
Overall, she is happy and I'm surprised she is still awake. She has tolerated some much needed food and water.


  1. Hey Guys! We are praying for you and the family - love you all!
    Amy and Mark

  2. We think of each of you every day. You continue to be a strength that keeps us going. We wish we could do the same for you! In our prayers always... love you! Kim and Jay

  3. Just got back from the beach and getting updated---so glad to hear she is doing so well! Love you all!
