Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Just A Little ER Visit

Macayla was crawling in the kitchen and had a seizure and fell forward. She does this quite often and it is hard to catch her when she falls this way. Normally she just bumps her face or at worst bust a lip open, but this time, she split her chin open. She needed stitches so we took a little trip to the ER. They opted for gluing the cut closed instead of stitches. Macayla was acting as if nothing had happened and she pretty much stopped crying as soon as I bandaged her up. She didn’t cry at the ER and was content just about the whole time. This little diversion put us off schedule for giving her meds so she didn’t get her sleep meds at her normal time. It was after 1:00 am before she fell asleep. But she did well through the whole ordeal and we are thankful that this hasn’t happened sooner or more often. It is hard to balance her needs at times. She needs to stay as mobile as she can for as long as she can so we encourage her to crawl and walk with assistance. But we have to keep her safe and that is not always easy while she is mobile.

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