Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Broken Pattern

Macayla has had five grand mal seizures so far today. They started at 7 a.m. and she has not responded to the emergency meds like Diastat and Versed. She is passing out after them for a short while, but as soon as she wakes up, she has another seizure. She even had one while she was still asleep. Fortunately, she has not thrown up much because she hasn't eaten all day. Unfortunately, she hasn't eaten all day. These seizures started off stronger than usual and her oxygen level has stayed low for a greater portion of the seizures than normal. I wish I could snap my fingers and fix it.
Hopefully, she is finished but they have been coming every two hours and the last one was one hour and 45 minutes ago. All of this to say, she had a grand mal last week and now she's having a series this week. The pattern this summer was her series of grand mals would come once a month. Thus, we think they are hormonal. It was unusual to have these a week apart and for her to have a different oxygen saturation. But in the bigger scheme, historically, the disease has progressed between Thanksgiving and Christmas each year. She may be following that pattern. Then again, our insurance said they would only pay for the generic version of Lamictal and that started last week. In the past, the neurologist insisted she be on the name brand. We will have to get the neurology office help us to see if this minor change could cause an increase in seizures. There are so many variables and pseudo patterns in this disease, it's hard to keep up.

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