Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

New Seizure Look

Macayla seems to be having seizures that look different than before. At first, we were not sure, but the more she does it the more we realized what they were. That is the challenge with her. Her seizures manifest a certain way for a while and we get used to that but then as she changes, the way the seizures manifest changes. We confirmed it the other day when I had to suction her. She understandably does not like it when a tube is stuck in her mouth. But the other day I was suctioning her and thought she might be having one of these questionable seizure moments and she did not even flinch from the tube being in her mouth and down her throat. So, that was enough for me to know it was a seizure. Our nurse manager was here and watched it happened and she thought it looked like a seizure as well. 
This morning, Macayla had two more grand mals. The last ones we know of were just before New Years. So it has been a month and a half. These were slightly different and involved much more jerking in her extremities than before. Her arms jerked in violent bursts when they usually only tremor. The seizures only lasted about a minute and she only stopped breathing for a short part of that time. I gave her some diastat and she will hopefully sleep it off. 

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