Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Whole Day

Macayla had seizures the remainder of the day. Five total. Her second dose of diastat seems to have done the trick. She got that at 1 p.m. and is still out at 11 p.m. We are not sure why she had them today and why the diastat had a hard time working. She seems to have a tolerance to it in spite of the fact that the dose is adequate for her weight. It should be noted, that she smiled between seizures today. She was never agitated and never seemed to be in pain. So, I guess it is a good thing if you can smile between grand mal seizures.
Now we will watch to see if her bladder function continues are becomes impaired. We have wondered if her bladder function (or lack thereof) and seizures have correlated over the last two months.
Jacob has brought home more than homework from school. He brought home a stomach bug and missed almost half of the week. He is better now, but not before giving me a touch of it. I have been trying to lose some weight anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Hi all
    This is Vicki. We met at Camp New Hope last summer. I just want you to know I will be saying prayers for your precious little girl. Of course I will also be saying some for the rest of you too, for God's grace to be with you.
    Please tell Jacob Hi for me, and I look forward to another game of Bible Crazy Eights next time y'all are on the River.
    Much love, hugs and prayers
    Vicki Randolph
