Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Busy Sunday

Macayla has been acting very "seizure-ish" all week as we call it. She has little precursors that tend to pop up before big seizures come. But she made it all week without any. As far as we know, she has never had any grand mals during the night when she is sleeping. But this morning changed that. She would not wake up this morning before church. She also had not wet her diaper (another symptom during seizures). Jennifer had to use a catheter and when she rolled her over, Macayla started vomiting.
Apparently, she had a seizure in her sleep, and had vomited some. Amazingly, it was still in her mouth and she was still able to breathe. When Jennifer rolled her on to her back, she choked and had to be suctioned. Jennifer had to deal with all of this on her own as I was already at church preparing for a sermon.
Macayla has not had any seizures since. Fortunately, we have a pulse oximeter that can alert us if there are any more. She was able to attend Jacob's baptism today as well. Jacob did great and it was very meaningful for me to participate in his baptism. There will be more about it on Jacob's page soon.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that she and Jennifer made it to this very important day for Jacob and you!

    Still praying for strength for the family and good memories to be made, like your trip to Camp New Hope!

    Love you all!!
