Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Friday, July 31, 2009


Macayla has been a sleepy girl this week. She has been asleep more than awake everyday. I guess the beach, seizures and the laughing wore her out. Her heart rate was elevated today even when she was sleeping. I'm not sure if she's just excited on the inside and is having a hard time showing it on the outside. She's in a good mood and when I get a response to her, she smiles. Maybe she will perk up this weekend as Jennifer and I celebrate 11 years of marriage. Hard to believe she ever put up with me long enough to want to get married! But she's stuck with me now!
Jacob is grossed out by us talking about being in love, so we must be doing something right.


  1. 11 years! Wow. That is awesome. Congrats to you and Jenni!


  2. Happy anniversary guys! Love you!
    Mark and Amy
