Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Caught On Video

Macayla had five seizures over the period of about four hours yesterday evening. I was able to catch the first one on video and as I was uploading it to my computer to email it, she had another. We gave her Diastat to stop them, but it did not work. She had three more over the next three hours and never once calmed down. It took a while to get a hold of a doctor, but they said we could repeat the Diastat three hours after the first dose. The second dose seemed to work and she slept through the night. 

Now, I have a little over a minute of Macayla's seizure on video and was able to focus in on some traits that may help the neurologist see more of what is going on. But now it won't go through on email because the server at the hospital is not letting it go through. Computers hate me! It's not that big of a file, yet the server won't cooperate. But we'll get it figured out and the good thing is that the seizures could not hide from the camera. 


  1. Yeah!!!! So glad to hear that you captured it. But so sorry to hear that she had such a rough afternoon. Praying for your strength!
    Is 41:10

  2. We pray for Macayla and all of you every day. Not a day goes by that we do not miss you. Love David and Linda
