Asking questions about God requires little. Finding the answers requires effort. Living with those answers requires grace.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Some Additions and Updates

First off, Macayla is doing fine. She does not feel well with the antibiotics on board, but hopefully that will pass when we finish them next week. That will be a good Christmas present. I hope she will not be as lethargic when we are through the medicine. She did get to go see her friends at school this morning for a short visit, and only a couple of them were there. The kids are out till the first week of January and Jacob is not all that excited about it. He likes school. I wish it would stay that way.
I also wanted to draw your attention to some additions on the blog. I have three feeds coming to this blog as well as Jake's Watering Hole for convenience. They are articles from Living On The Edge by Chip Ingram, and podcasts from Let My People Think by Ravi Zacharias, and Key Life by Steve Brown. In my view there are only a few decent preachers and teachers on the radio and these three are top notch. Chip Ingram opens the Word of God in ways that hit home in everyday life. Ravi Zacharias always makes you think and helps me understand why I believe what I believe as a Christian. Steve Brown has a unique way of cutting through the bull to the heart of the matter and has a great sense of humor to go along with it. When you click on it, it should just start playing on a blank screen with a toolbar for starting and stopping the audio. It is pure audio, but if you want more info on any of these guys and their ministry, their links are on these blogs as well. I hope it is as helpful to you as it has been to me.
On a lighter note, I just baked my first loaf of bread from scratch! It actually turned out pretty good for someone who doesn't know what they are doing. The recipe I used was called Pillow Bread, and for good reason. The finished, rustic loaf was the size of a pillow!

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